First steps towards a national movement in Germany

Published on: 2024-07-04

When it comes to orphans and vulnerable children, we tend to think of countries in Eastern Europe or Africa. Yet in Germany, many children live in institutions or with short-term foster parents. The lack of long-term foster parents, social workers, as well as churches who understand their calling to help, were discussion points at the first roundtable toward a Without Orphans movement in Germany.  

About 30 participants attended the 2-day meeting in Bad Blankenburg, organized by Frank and Dorothea from the German Evangelical Alliance, along with Richard and Barbara from WWO Europe.

Many participants were foster parents who brought their expertise to the table, and the two days were filled with group discussions and sharing outcomes. In the end, there was a list of four topics, that everyone agreed need more attention in Germany:  

  • Strengthening and connecting foster parents
  • Bringing the mandate to care for orphans and the theology of adoption to the church
  • Raising awareness about the harm volunteering in orphanages does
  • Working towards a recognition of FASD (Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder) as a disability in Germany.  

Several people agreed to be involved in work groups and everyone was encouraged and eager to continue and see a movement develop in Germany.
