
Slovenia is in Central Europe and has historically been at the crossroads of Slavic, Germanic, and Romance languages and cultures. In June 1991, Slovenia was the first republic to split from Yugoslavia and become an independent sovereign state.

Total population: 2.1 million
Total children under the age of 18: 300,000

The situation of children in Slovenia

By the Constitution of the Republic of Slovenia, children enjoy special protection and care. The state protects children whenever their healthy development is endangered and when other benefits for children require it. Within the framework of institutional care, there are social welfare training institutes in Slovenia that provide institutional care for children and adolescents with moderate to severe or severe intellectual disabilities. At the same time, there is also the possibility of placing children and adolescents in educational institutions.

The Family Code provides for special forms of childcare, such as foster care, adoption, granting parental care to a relative, and custody of minors. In all these cases, the courts have jurisdiction to decide. Children of all ages as well as adolescents who are unable to live in their birth family are placed in family care, mostly in foster families.

Towards Slovenia without Orphans

Currently, there is a great shortage of foster families in Slovenia. Some people visit evangelical churches (there are about 45 of them) to inform the members about the opportunity to serve God and people through foster care and adoption. WWO Europe would love to connect with like-minded people to start a Slovenia without Orphans Network. Please get in touch through WWO Europe.

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Other Information about Orphaned and Vulnerable Children and Family Care in Slovenia

Better Care Network Information on Family-Based Care in Slovenia
More information for prayer at Operation World
